Rod and Bar Rolling

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Titul je viazaný na špeciálnu objednávku, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť (platia Všeobecné obchodné podmienky)! Rod and Bar Rolling: Theory and Applications highlights the underlying relationship between solid mechanics and materials science. It provides a detailed overview of the deformation of material ...viac

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Titul je viazaný na špeciálnu objednávku, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť (platia Všeobecné obchodné podmienky)! Rod and Bar Rolling: Theory and Applications highlights the underlying relationship between solid mechanics and materials science. It provides a detailed overview of the deformation of material at high temperatures, an assessment of rod and bar rolling processes, and an in-depth review of the basics of hot rolling, elasticity, plasticity, and recrystallization for a clear understanding of the solid mechanics in engineering applications. The reference also presents methods utilized at modern rod and bar rolling facilities and current topics such as interstand tension, roll wear at elevated temperatures, water cooling of a workpiece during rolling.


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